Virtual You

Virtual You

Create talking virtual avatars

VirtualYou is an innovative service that leverages AI-generated avatars to create personalized videos featuring a virtual version of yourself speaking. To get started, users provide a photo of themselves and either their own text or AI-generated text on a topic of their choice.

Key Features:

  • Personalized Videos:Create videos featuring a virtual version of yourself speaking.
  • AI-Generated Avatars:Utilize AI technology to animate the avatar to match the chosen speech.
  • Text Options:Provide your own text or use AI-generated text on a topic of your choice.
  • Voice Options:Choose from basic male or female voices for the avatar's speech.
  • Video Packages:Select from different video packages with varying features and options.


  • Personalized and creative way to present content
  • AI technology ensures realistic and engaging avatars
  • Various options for text and voice customization


  • May not be suitable for those who prefer traditional video creation
  • Dependent on AI technology for avatar animation
  • Requires a photo of the user for avatar creation

User Benefits:

  • Enhanced online content and video marketing efforts
  • Personalized touch to presentations and videos
  • Engaging and unique video content creation

Who can use it:

  • Individuals looking to add a personal touch to their videos or presentations
  • Professionals seeking to enhance their online content or video marketing efforts
  • Marketers and content creators aiming to engage audiences with personalized videos
  • Individuals or businesses requiring virtual spokespersons for various purposes
  • Anyone interested in utilizing AI-generated avatars to create unique video content


VirtualYou offers a convenient and creative solution for creating personalized videos featuring a virtual version of yourself. The service is available for a paid subscription.

What Makes it Unique:

VirtualYou stands out as a creative and engaging way to present content, offering the ability to create personalized videos with AI-generated avatars. Its customizable features and voice options set it apart as a unique tool for video content creation.


VirtualYou provides users with an innovative solution for creating personalized videos featuring AI-generated avatars. With its customizable features and voice options, it offers a unique and engaging way to enhance online content and video marketing efforts.

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Pricing Model: Paid