Health Scanner

Health Scanner

What is Health Scanner

MSAI Web3 Healthcare is an advanced tool that offers a comprehensive Patient Health Record (PHR) system, giving patients full control over their medical data.

Key Features

  • Comprehensive Patient Health Record (PHR) system: Manage and control your medical data across multiple healthcare facilities and clinics.
  • Secure sharing of medical records: Share medical records among healthcare practitioners while ensuring patient privacy and security.
  • AI-based risk identification: Utilize AI technology to identify risks and recommend additional treatments based on patient histories.


  • Empowering patients: Provide patients with a user-friendly interface and effective management of their medical data.
  • Improving healthcare delivery: Enhance healthcare delivery by facilitating accurate risk identification and treatment recommendations.
  • Enhancing patient outcomes: Improve patient outcomes through comprehensive health record management and AI-based risk identification.


Not yet available for all healthcare facilities and clinics

User Benefits

Patients have full control over their medical data, improved healthcare delivery, and enhanced patient outcomes.

Who can use it:

Patients, healthcare practitioners, and clinics.



What Makes it Unique

MSAI Web3 Healthcare is unique in its comprehensive patient health record system and AI-based risk identification, providing users with full control and improved healthcare outcomes.


Experience the power of MSAI Web3 Healthcare, a robust health record management tool that empowers patients with control over their health information.

Site Link

Pricing Model: Free