DB Pilot

DB Pilot

What is DB Pilot

DB Pilot is a modern and AI-enhanced database GUI that offers a wide range of features to simplify and streamline SQL operations.

Key Features

  • AI-enhanced SQL operations:Utilize an AI assistant to simplify SQL queries, conversion, and explanation.
  • Embedded DuckDB instance:Query different file formats and store results without affecting the production database.
  • Database support:Currently supports PostgreSQL with plans for MySQL and SQLite support.
  • Flexible data management:Easily filter tables, join different data formats, and query remote files.


  • Streamlined SQL operations
  • AI-powered assistance
  • Support for various file formats


  • Currently limited to PostgreSQL support
  • Paid pricing model
  • Requires some learning curve for AI-enhanced features

User Benefits

  • Enhanced productivity with AI-powered assistance
  • Efficient data management and query of various file formats
  • Plans for database support expansion for broader use cases

Who can use it

DB Pilot is ideal for SQL developers, data analysts, and database administrators who want to simplify SQL operations and benefit from AI-powered assistance.


DB Pilot is a paid tool with affordable pricing options based on usage and features.

What Makes it unique

DB Pilot stands out with its combination of modern database GUI and AI assistance, making it a powerful tool for SQL operations and data management.


DB Pilot is a powerful tool that combines modern database GUI with AI assistance to simplify SQL operations and improve data management.

Category: SQL

Price: Paid

Site Link


Pricing Model: Paid