The Ultimate Online Summarizer

What is

Say goodbye to cluttered bookmarks and hello to a simplified, efficient way of saving and summarizing your favorite online resources. is a tool that allows users to quickly and easily create summaries and highlights of their saved articles and blog posts.

Key Features

  • Efficiency: Users can easily revisit important information without having to read through the entire article again, saving time and effort.
  • Simplicity: Say goodbye to cluttered bookmarks and hello to a simplified way of saving and summarizing your favorite online resources.
  • Customization: Users can choose which parts of the article to highlight or summarize, tailoring the output to their needs.
  • Accessibility: The tool is accessible from any device with an internet connection, making it easy to use on-the-go.


Efficient and easy-to-use summarization tool

Customizable highlights and summaries

Accessible from any device with an internet connection


Paid service

User Benefits

Quickly summarize news articles for research projects or presentations

Highlight key points in a blog post for future reference

Condense lengthy articles into shorter, more manageable summaries

Who can use it

Students, researchers, professionals, and anyone looking to simplify their online reading experience

Pricing is a paid service

What Makes it Unique offers a customizable and accessible way to summarize and highlight online articles and blog posts, making it convenient for users to revisit important information without having to read through entire articles again.


Overall, is a useful tool for anyone looking to simplify their online reading experience and make the most of their saved articles and blog posts.

Site Link

Pricing Model: Paid