Ad Auris

Ad Auris

What is Ad Auris

Ad Auris is a revolutionary text-to-speech tool that allows users to listen to articles on the go. It seamlessly converts written content into spoken words, making it easier for users to consume information while on the move.

Key Features

  • Text-to-speech technology
  • Compatibility with Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and Google Podcasts
  • Ability to create playlists of articles


  • Convenient way to consume written content
  • Enhanced accessibility for individuals with visual impairment
  • Integration with popular podcast platforms


  • Limited customization options for voice and speech speed
  • May not be suitable for all types of written content
  • Dependent on internet connectivity for streaming

User Benefits

Users of Ad Auris can enjoy the convenience of listening to articles on the go, whether it's during a commute, workout, or leisure time. The tool also provides a more inclusive experience for individuals with visual impairment, allowing them to access written content in an auditory format.

Who can use it

Anyone looking for a hands-free way to consume written content can benefit from Ad Auris. Whether you're a busy professional, a student, or someone with visual impairment, this tool offers a convenient solution for accessing articles while on the move.


Ad Auris offers a free trial for users to experience the benefits of text-to-speech technology. Pricing for the full version is available upon subscription.

What Makes it Unique

What sets Ad Auris apart is its seamless integration with popular podcast platforms, allowing users to create playlists of articles and listen to them just like a podcast. This unique feature enhances the user experience and makes it easier to organize and access content.


Ad Auris is a game-changing tool that brings the convenience of listening to articles on the go. With its text-to-speech technology, compatibility with popular podcast platforms, and inclusive benefits, it offers a unique solution for accessing written content in an auditory format.

Site Link

Pricing Model: Free Trial