

Custom AR artwork for home decor

What is Acrylic

Acrylic is a remarkable AI-powered website developed using Typedream that revolutionizes the process of creating and purchasing personalized paintings.

Key Features

  • AI-powered painting creation: Utilize artificial intelligence technology to create personalized and unique artwork.
  • Augmented reality (AR) staging: Preview paintings in your own home using AR to ensure a perfect fit.
  • High-quality images and affordable canvas paintings: Transform digital images into actual paintings at an affordable price.


Acrylic empowers users to easily create personalized artwork and preview it in their home using AR technology. The platform offers high-quality and affordable canvas paintings.


Some users may find the AI-powered process less personal than traditional painting methods.

User Benefits

  • Personalize your living spaces with unique and custom-made artwork
  • Unleash creativity and create paintings that reflect individuality and artistic vision

Who can use it

Acrylic is perfect for individuals who want to personalize their living spaces with unique and custom-made artwork, as well as those who want to express their artistic vision through painting.


Acrylic is available for free.

What Makes it unique

Acrylic is an exceptional AI-powered platform that enables users to create and purchase personalized paintings effortlessly.


Acrylic offers a unique and innovative way to create personalized artwork using AI technology. With AR staging and affordable pricing, it is the perfect solution for anyone looking to add a personal touch to their home decor.

Site Link

Pricing Model: Free