

AI-powered WordPress Platform: 10Web

What is 10Web

10Web offers an AI-powered WordPress platform for efficient website creation and management. It provides various tools and features to simplify the website building process and enhance overall user experience.

Key Features

  • AI Builder:Quickly generate or recreate websites using an Elementor-based drag and drop editor
  • AI Assistant:Generate superior content with add-ons for major WordPress plugins
  • Automated WordPress Hosting:Fast, fully automated hosting powered by Google Cloud
  • PageSpeed Booster:Optimize websites for 90+ PageSpeed scores and improved Core Web Vitals


- Efficient website creation process
- AI-powered content generation
- Fast and automated hosting
- Improved website performance and user experience


- Limited customization options compared to traditional WordPress

User Benefits

10Web offers users the benefits of streamlined website creation, enhanced content generation, improved website performance, and user experience optimization.

Who can use it

10Web is suitable for businesses, agencies, and individuals looking to efficiently create and manage websites without extensive technical knowledge.


10Web operates on a freemium model, offering free access to its tools without requiring a credit card. Users can choose from various subscription plans based on their specific needs and requirements.

What Makes it Unique

10Web stands out for its AI-powered website creation and management tools, seamless integration with major WordPress plugins, and efficient hosting solutions. It offers a comprehensive solution for automating various aspects of website development and maintenance.


10Web is an AI-powered WordPress platform aimed at simplifying website creation and management. With its AI builder, AI assistant, automated hosting, and PageSpeed booster, it offers users a comprehensive solution for efficient and optimized website development. With a freemium pricing model and over 50,000 active users, 10Web is a trusted choice for businesses, agencies, and individuals.

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Pricing Model: Freemium